What We Do

Hive Sponsorship

Hive sponsors are environmentally conscious individuals and companies who pay to keep a hive in our apiary in their name. The investment of sponsorship each year includes some sweet perks for the sponsor and gives back to the community.

Educational Events

The bad news is: Bees have been and continue to be in trouble. The good news is: People can change that. Our educational events bring diverse audiences together to make pollinator education accessible and actionable—because knowledge truly is power.

Beekeeping Experiences

Our beekeeping experiences make for an adventurous date activity, enriching company outing, fascinating classroom field trip, or a necessary introduction to beekeeping as a hobby.

Other Offerings


While we’re not in it for the honey, we do harvest a small batch every year for education. From our hives in southwest Denver, Colorado, our bees’ honey is jarred raw and unfiltered, which means it is not pasteurized or filtered during extraction, and therefore retains its natural medicinal properties. The result is thick with traces of wax, pollen, and propolis. In other words: it’s the real deal.

If you’re interested in purchasing honey or other hive products from us, please contact us.

Swarm Rescue

Swarming is a honey bee colony’s way of reproducing, and it’s a marvelous sight if you have the privilege to witness this behavior in action. An active swarm will look like a cloud of bees in the sky; a resting swarm will look like a small or large cluster of bees on familiar structures such as fence posts, tree branches, or rooftops.

If you discover a swarm, please call a local beekeeper to have it safely relocated.

For swarms discovered in Colorado, please contact the state beekeeping association’s swarm hotline at 844-779-2337.

Bee & Wasp Removal

If you suspect you have bees or wasps nesting in a structure on your property and would like them removed humanely and without the use of poisons, please contact us at (720) 924-1587 for either a consultation or referral.

“The Peoples Bees are so knowledgeable! I enjoyed the live hive at their talk. Highly recommend.”

– Becky, event attendee